

Website Design and Graphic Design

We offer the following website design and graphic design services:

Website Design & Maintenance
Content Creation & Publishing
Social Media Management
Branding & Logo Design
Graphic Design
3D Modeling

Website Design and Maintenance

A website stands as the face and voice of your company. It's the first thing, along with social media, that your customers will see online. It's how they will contact you if they don't pick up the phone to call. It's how people from around the world will connect with you and your company. Your website should speak to them. It should convey what your company is all about and what you offer. It's a place to communicate your vision and why you offer what you offer and why you do what you do. Purpose and vision connect your customers to your products and services.

That is the role we seek to fulfill: to create the kind of online image that will help your customers connect to you and your business. We can do this by designing an interactive website that intelligently and creatively combines your purpose, products and services.

For those focused on the technical aspects of web design, we create using the latest HTML-5, CSS, Javascript, SVG imaging, HTML-5 Canvas, and Adobe Flash animation. We design sites that are responsive and look great on all desktops, tablets, and mobile platforms.

Your website can be an ongoing dialogue with your customers. This can be as simple as changing the menu on your restaurant's website twice a year or could mean putting up new content several times a week. We offer a full line of website update and management services to produce and update the content for your website.

Music 4 Mind, Body, Soul website

Music 4 Mind, Body, Soul is a website we designed that showcases an interactive keyboard

Content Creation and Publishing

When your message is complex and needs to be conducive, it all needs to come together. A background in journalism combines synergistically with our creativity, technical abilities and experience in branding, graphic design, and 3D modeling.

For the technically minded, we can produce materials for print format, for image format, in Microsoft Word format, for Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, for Adobe PDF, and we even dabble in Excel and Access for data and database management.

Article prepared for print media

Social Media Management

Facebook and Twitter are instantaneous ways to reach customers. Your clients can follow you, find out what's new, join events, share photos, find your website, and even review your business or contact you through social media. But someone has to put new information up, create events, post albums, and respond to inquiries.

We'll handle it for you. We offer a full line of social media update and management services.

Social Media

Branding and Logo Design

Your logo is the first thing people see when they check you out online. It helps them form their first impression of you and your company. It should speak to them ... It should convey what you're about and what you do.

Which can be tricky. It requires a combination of technical and creative ability. This is what we excel at. Our designs are born at the intersection of creativity and logic. They allow you to make the right impression.

Branding and Logos

This is a logo we designed for JZK Solutions

Graphic Design

A picture says 1,000 words. A graphic says 1,000 more.

When you have something to say, a visual can convey your message with ease and efficiency. Information that can be presented graphically is more concise and powerful. Presenting things visually also saves your audience time and effort in getting that message. And people tend to have more of an emotional response to graphics than they do to just words alone.

Graphic for a Presentation

3D Modeling

Bold is good. When you really want to catch someone's eye, do it with 3D! Thinking and designing in 3D means only being limited by imagination. And we have tons of it. And the technical ability to translate concepts into 3D models and designs.

Think and dream big, and we will transform your concepts into a 3D graphic or animation!

'Sound Therapy' 3D Rendering


We design animated content in Adobe Flash, so if you need to reach your customers through interactive content, we got you covered. The designs we create in Flash can be incorporated into your website. Our bulb logo is an example of Flash animation that has been made for a website.

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