Creative Logic Designs, LLC. is a design firm based in Roanoke, Virginia. We offer cutting edge web design, graphic design, animation and publication services. The services we offer are focused on helping you reach your customers through marketing, branding, interactive websites, social media management, and publication materials. We specialize in CGI, rendering in 3D, and creating interactive content for websites.

We believe high tech and old fashioned go hand in hand. Our business is traditional. The owner is heavily involved in creating content and managing the experience our customers have. It is with a dedication to excellent design that we believe the creative process works best. Creative Logic Designs, LLC. is dedicated to protecting the environment. We utilize digital and electronic methods for almost all our business needs. We produce a lot of content, but create and deliver in a way that produces virtually no waste.



We are focussed on details. It's almost an obsession for us. We know every aspect has to be perfect.



We adhere to the highest standards of business ethics and confidentiality.


Positive Attitude

We believe in the power of optimism and in carrying oneself with a positive energy. Yeah, we're proud to be a bit enlightened.


Logic + Creativity

We believe brilliant design is born at the magical intersection between logic and creativity. When imagination and good ideas combine with technical skills and strong logic, anything can be accomplished or created.


Working in Flow

We work smart by getting into flow, that state of perfect balance where all cylinders are firing and it becomes easy to create with brilliance.